Provides participants with the skills and knowledge to perform basic communication practices.
More info can be found here |
Provides participants with basic patrolling and surf awareness knowledge, enabling participation in basic lifesaving patrol activities.
More info can be found here |
Provides participants with basic patrolling and surf awareness knowledge, enabling participation in lifesaving patrolling operations.
More info can be found here |
The first aid course provides participants with the essential skills and knowledge required to manage life threatening emergencies until professional medical help arrives. This program educates participants in how to deal with medical emergencies arising from shock, bleeding, burns, fractures, soft tissue injuries, cardiac and respiratory emergencies, exposure, and poisoning. BELS is a stripped-down version for people aged 12+. More info can be found here
The aim of the Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Certificate course is to develop your skills and knowledge to use oxygen, airway management devices, and automated external defibrillators during resuscitation, and to administer oxygen to conscious or unconscious breathing casualties.
More info can be found here |
Provides participants with the skills and knowledge to operate an SSV safely and effectively for lifesaving purposes.
More info can be found here |
Provides participants with the skills and knowledge to effectively crew an IRB in rescue operations.
More info can be found here |
Provides participants with the skills and knowledge to effectively drive an Inflatable Rescue Boat in rescue operations.
More info can be found here |
Provides participants with the advanced skills and knowledge to effectively coordinate search and rescue operations
More info can be found here |
Provides participants with the skills, knowledge, and experience to manage a beach in emergency and non-emergency situations. Mandatory patrol requirement and recommended for all Patrol Captains.
More info can be found here |
Provides participants with advanced skills and knowledge to manage emergency scenarios in autonomous situations.
More info can be found here |
Provides participants with the skills and knowledge to effectively operate and manage a Rescue Watercraft in rescue operations. Due to the nature of the craft and its position as a state asset, this course can only be completed with Life Saving Victoria endorsement. Advanced info can be found under Becoming a Lifeguard
Pain Management is an advanced First Aid course, designed to teach participants how to appropriately manage sever pain and how to use the green whistle (methoxyflurane) which is a schedule 4 drug. This course can only be completed by employees of Life Saving Victoria (eg. Lifeguards) due to the nature of the drugs. Advanced info can be found under Becoming a Lifeguard
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