Patrol Captain (SMPC) makes up one of the three Silver Medallion awards. It provides you with the skills to manage emergency situations and incidents that occur at or around the beach environment. This is an advanced award and requires good knowledge of lifesaving operations, the command structure and asset management. The Patrol Captain is the person in charge on the beach and primary incident commander in duress situations.
The process to get your SMPC is a bit different to other awards. Step 1: Speak to a Club Captain. They will discuss this with you and give you a checklist. This list contains evidence that they need to see in order for you to attend a course. It needs to be completed and signed off by a Club Captain or trainer. Step 2: Attend Patrols as a Vice Patrol Captain, get some experience and start to tick off items from the check list Step 2: Attend the course
Note: This award replaces Silver Medallion Beach Management (SMBM) and is NOT equivalent. If you hold SMBM, you will need to do this award to remain current
Entry Requirements:
17 years of age on date of assessment
Current Bronze Medallion
One other patrolling award (eg, FA, ART, IRBC, IRBD, SMAR)