IRB (Inflatable Rescue Boats) are one of our most important rescue assets. They are used for the majority of our responses, in rescue, watersafety and search scenarios. Two awards make up the roles for the IRB. IRB Crew and Silver Medallion IRB Driver
IRB Crew:
IRB Crew (IRBC) is the first award required to use one of these vessels. The crewperson is situated on the starboard near the bow of the boat. They are tasked with aiding with navigation, ensuring appropriate trim and balance of the vessel and conducting the brunt of the rescue work. They aid the IRB driver with the successful operation of the craft.
Entry Requirements:
Minimum 15 years of age
Current Bronze Medallion
IRB Driver (IRBD or sometimes SMIRBD) makes up one of the three Silver Medallions. The driver is situated toward the stern on the port side of the IRB. The driver's responsibility is to steer the vessel, communicate with shore and coordinate the crew. They are in charge of the vessel and responsible for it operating safely around other, the environment and in the conditions.